Thursday, December 22, 2016

TouchJet Wave Unboxing

We Love The Next Big Thing Touchjet WAVE

You can keep it clean with Flat Screen Clean™
Award Winning Gold Medal Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner Flat Screen Clean™

Extreme Demonstration Food on Samsung TV

Flat Screen Clean™ is your one-stop-shop all-in-one flat and touch screen cleaning product that is both alcohol/ammonia free.

You no longer have to have multiple cleaners for your devices just one and it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

We made our product as simple as 1-2-3 and provide the customer with the tools needed to ensure satisfaction.

“Flat Screen Clean™ is a non-toxic cleaner that has consumer health in mind.”

It will clean to the Extreme from chicken wings to hand creams and everything in-between and even Permanent Marker.

Flat Screen Clean™ Diy Network "I Want That" Season 3 Episode 311

What does Flat Screen Clean™ Remove?

Fingerprints, dust, dirt, lipstick, smoke film, Crayon, pencil, permanent marker, Food soils, Grease, Oils, Ink, Creams, Body lotions, Food dust,Food oils, other cleaners residues left behind.

Rugani & Rugani llc Storefront (Amazon) 

Flat Screen Clean™

#FlatScreenClean #TouchScreenClean #TouchScreenCleaner #FlatScreenCleaner #ScreenCleaner #VincentRugani #VinceRugani #AsSeenOnTV #TouchjetWAVE #Tablet #Laptop #Apple #environmentallyfriendly #Samsung #TV #Touchjet #HowToCleanAFlatScreenTV #TouchScreen #FlatScreen #ScreenClean #AwardWinning #TVCleaner #SharkTank

Monday, November 28, 2016

Cyber Monday Check out our crazy Demo and are crazy offer!

Flat Screen Clean™

Crazy Extreme Demo Food on Samsung TV.

Yes it will get it off.

Award Winning Gold Medal
Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner

Black Friday Exclusive Online Offer Now
Cyber Monday Exclusive Online Offer Now

Flat Screen Clean™ is your one-stop-shop all-in-one flat and touch screen cleaning product that is both alcohol/ammonia free.

You no longer have to have multiple cleaners for your devices just one and it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

We made our product as simple as 1-2-3 and provide the customer with the tools needed to ensure satisfaction.

“Flat Screen Clean™ is a non-toxic cleaner that has consumer health in mind.”

It will clean to the Extreme from chicken wings to hand creams and everything in-between and even Permanent Marker.
Order Yours Today!
Thank You!

#FlatScreenClean #TouchScreenClean #TouchScreenCleaner #FlatScreenCleaner #ScreenCleaner #VincentRugani #VinceRugani #AsSeenOnTV #TouchjetWAVE #Tablet #Laptop #Apple #environmentallyfriendly  #Samsung #TV #FlatScreenClean #TouchjetWAVE #Touchjet #ScreenCleaner #TouchScreenCleaner #FlatScreenCleaner #HowToCleanAFlatScreenTV #TouchScreen #FlatScreen #ScreenClean #AwardWinning #TVCleaner #SharkTank #ScreenCleaner#CyberMonday

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Crazy Extreme Demo Food on Samsung TV.

Flat Screen Clean™

Crazy Extreme Demo Food on Samsung TV.

Yes it will get it off.

Award Winning Gold Medal
Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner

Black Friday Exclusive Online Offer Now
Cyber Monday Exclusive Online Offer Now

Flat Screen Clean™ is your one-stop-shop all-in-one flat and touch screen cleaning product that is both alcohol/ammonia free.

You no longer have to have multiple cleaners for your devices just one and it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

We made our product as simple as 1-2-3 and provide the customer with the tools needed to ensure satisfaction.

“Flat Screen Clean™ is a non-toxic cleaner that has consumer health in mind.”

It will clean to the Extreme from chicken wings to hand creams and everything in-between and even Permanent Marker.
Order Yours Today!
Thank You!

#FlatScreenClean #TouchScreenClean #TouchScreenCleaner #FlatScreenCleaner #ScreenCleaner #VincentRugani #VinceRugani #AsSeenOnTV #TouchjetWAVE #Tablet #Laptop #Apple #environmentallyfriendly  #Samsung #TV #FlatScreenClean #TouchjetWAVE #Touchjet #ScreenCleaner #TouchScreenCleaner #FlatScreenCleaner #HowToCleanAFlatScreenTV #TouchScreen #FlatScreen #ScreenClean #AwardWinning #TVCleaner #SharkTank #ScreenCleaner

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Flat Screen Clean™ Now Sold on Amazon. Screen Cleaner / Touch Screen Cleaner / Flat Screen Cleaner

Award Winning Gold Medal
Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner

Flat Screen Clean™

Shop Flat Screen Clean

4oz bottle of Flat Screen Clean™

8oz bottle of Flat Screen Clean™

Super Blue Microfiber Towel™

 The Environmentally-Friendly Solution-

Flat Screen Clean™ is your one-stop-shop, all-in-one, flat and touch screen cleaning product that is both alcohol/ammonia free and made from all-natural ingredients.

From chicken wings, to hand cream, and everything in-between, it will clean to the extreme and is as simple as 1-2-3! It will even clean permanent marker!

What you’ll get and Where to Buy-

We are available online at

Amazon Store

Flat Screen Clean™ Store

4oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $11.95
8oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $19.95

Order yours today!

Thank You!
Vincent Rugani
CEO Rugani & Rugani, LLC.

#TouchScreenCleaner #TouchScreenCleaners #FlatScreenCleaner #FlatScreenCleaners #BestFlatScreenCleaner #BestTouchScreenCleaner #ScreenCleaner #ScreeenCleaners #Touchjet #TouchjetWAVE #touchscreencleaner #FlatScreenClean #cleaner #CES2016 #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #CurvedTVs #Wearables #Clean #BestScreenCleaner #AwardWinning #GoldMedal #EnvironmentallyFriendly #TVs #Smartphone #Tablets #Wearables #TheBest #TVCleaner #HowToCleanTV #HowToCleanFlatScreen #HowToCleanFlatScreenTV #FlatScreenTV #Tablet #GiantTablet #Monitor #MultiTouch #Android #Future #CurvedTVCleaner #NonToxic #StreakFree #AllInOne #WAVE #Samsung #INPEX #INPEX15 #INPEX2015 #D2C15 #D2C2015

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Environmentally-Friendly Solution- Flat Screen Clean™

How many of you have flat or touch screen devices in your lives and know how hard it is to keep them clean and streak free?

The Environmentally-Friendly Solution-
Flat Screen Clean™ is your one-stop-shop, all-in-one, flat and touch screen cleaning product that is both alcohol/ammonia free and made from all-natural ingredients.
From chicken wings, to hand cream, and everything in-between, it will clean to the extreme and is as simple as 1-2-3! It will even clean permanent marker!

What You’ll Get and Where To Buy-
We are available online at
4oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $11.95
8oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $19.95
Order yours today!

Thank You!
Vincent Rugani
CEO Rugani & Rugani, LLC.

#Touchjet #TouchjetWAVE #flatscreencleaner #touchscreencleaner #FlatScreenClean #cleaner #CES2016 #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #CurvedTVs #Wearables #Clean #BestScreenCleaner #AwardWinning #GoldMedal #ScreenCleaner #EnvironmentallyFriendly #TVs #Smartphone #Tablets #Wearables #TheBest #ScreenCleaner #TVCleaner #HowToCleanTV #HowToCleanFlatScreen #HowToCleanFlatScreenTV #FlatScreenTV #Tablet #GiantTablet #Monitor #MultiTouch #Android #Future #CurvedTVCleaner #NonToxic #StreakFree #AllInOne #WAVE #Samsung #INPEX #INPEX15 #INPEX2015 #D2C15 #D2C2015

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner

Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner

Honors & Awards

Gold Medal INPEX 2015

INPEX 2015

June 2015

Gold Medal INPEX 2015

In Recognition of Innovative Excellence In the Category of Cleaning Products/Equipment

Selected to Exhibit at D2C 2015

Electronic Retailing Association (ERA)

June 2015

Rugani & Rugani LLC & Flat Screen Clean™

Have been selected to exhibit at D2C 2015 in the New Product Showcase

At the Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) convention.

Held at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas October 6-8, 2015

Finished In The Top 5 For Inventor of the Year

Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) D2C 2015

October 2015

Rugani & Rugani LLC & Flat Screen Clean™

Finished In The Top 5 For Inventor of the Year.

At Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) D2C 2015.

In the New Product Showcase Convention held at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas

#Touchjet #TouchjetWAVE #flatscreencleaner #touchscreencleaner #FlatScreenClean #cleaner #CES2016 #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #CurvedTVs #Wearables #Clean #BestScreenCleaner #AwardWinning #GoldMedal #ScreenCleaner #EnvironmentallyFriendly #TVs #Smartphone #Tablets #Wearables #TheBest #ScreenCleaner #TVCleaner #HowToCleanTV #HowToCleanFlatScreen #HowToCleanFlatScreenTV #FlatScreenTV #Tablet #GiantTablet #Monitor #MultiTouch #Android #Future #CurvedTVCleaner #NonToxic #StreakFree #AllInOne #WAVE #Samsung #INPEX #INPEX15 #INPEX2015 #D2C15  #D2C2015

Sunday, January 31, 2016

How many of you have flat or touch screen devices?

How many of you have flat or touch screen devices in your lives and know how hard it is to keep them clean and streak free?

The Environmentally-Friendly Solution-
Flat Screen Clean™ is your one-stop-shop, all-in-one, flat and touch screen cleaning product that is both alcohol/ammonia free and made from all-natural ingredients.
From chicken wings, to hand cream, and everything in-between, it will clean to the extreme and is as simple as 1-2-3! It will even clean permanent marker!

What You’ll Get and Where To Buy-
We are available online at
4oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $11.95
8oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $19.95
Order yours today!

Thank You!
Vincent Rugani
CEO Rugani & Rugani, LLC.

#Touchjet #TouchjetWAVE #flatscreencleaner #touchscreencleaner #FlatScreenClean #cleaner #CES2016 #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #CurvedTVs #Wearables #Clean #BestScreenCleaner #AwardWinning #GoldMedal #ScreenCleaner #EnvironmentallyFriendly #TVs #Smartphone #Tablets #Wearables #TheBest #ScreenCleaner #TVCleaner #HowToCleanTV #HowToCleanFlatScreen #HowToCleanFlatScreenTV #FlatScreenTV #Tablet #GiantTablet
#Monitor #MultiTouch #Android #Future #CurvedTVCleaner #NonToxic #StreakFree #AllInOne #WAVE #Samsung 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

We at Flat Screen Clean™ are Extremely happy with the New Touchjet™ WAVE coming in June 2016

Flat Screen Clean™ is Extremely happy with the New Touchjet™ WAVE coming in June 2016


Turn Any TV into A Touch Screen
Touchjet WAVE is the only device that turns your flat screen TV or monitor into a giant tablet.

Keep them clean with

#Touchjet #TouchjetWAVE #flatscreencleaner #touchscreencleaner #FlatScreenClean #cleaner #CES2016 #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #CurvedTVs #Wearables #Clean #BestScreenCleaner #AwardWinning #GoldMedal #ScreenCleaner #EnvironmentallyFriendly #TVs #Smartphone #Tablets #Wearables #TheBest ScreenCleaner #TVCleaner #HowToCleanTV #HowToCleanFlatScreen #HowToCleanFlatScreenTV #FlatScreenTV #Tablet#GiantTablet # Monitor #MultiTouch #Android #Future #CurvedTVCleaner #NonToxic ##StreakFree #AllInOne #WAVE #Samsung