Friday, February 26, 2016

The Environmentally-Friendly Solution- Flat Screen Clean™

How many of you have flat or touch screen devices in your lives and know how hard it is to keep them clean and streak free?

The Environmentally-Friendly Solution-
Flat Screen Clean™ is your one-stop-shop, all-in-one, flat and touch screen cleaning product that is both alcohol/ammonia free and made from all-natural ingredients.
From chicken wings, to hand cream, and everything in-between, it will clean to the extreme and is as simple as 1-2-3! It will even clean permanent marker!

What You’ll Get and Where To Buy-
We are available online at
4oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $11.95
8oz bottle + 1 FREE Microfiber Towel - $19.95
Order yours today!

Thank You!
Vincent Rugani
CEO Rugani & Rugani, LLC.

#Touchjet #TouchjetWAVE #flatscreencleaner #touchscreencleaner #FlatScreenClean #cleaner #CES2016 #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #CurvedTVs #Wearables #Clean #BestScreenCleaner #AwardWinning #GoldMedal #ScreenCleaner #EnvironmentallyFriendly #TVs #Smartphone #Tablets #Wearables #TheBest #ScreenCleaner #TVCleaner #HowToCleanTV #HowToCleanFlatScreen #HowToCleanFlatScreenTV #FlatScreenTV #Tablet #GiantTablet #Monitor #MultiTouch #Android #Future #CurvedTVCleaner #NonToxic #StreakFree #AllInOne #WAVE #Samsung #INPEX #INPEX15 #INPEX2015 #D2C15 #D2C2015

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner

Award of Excellence Best Screen Cleaner

Honors & Awards

Gold Medal INPEX 2015

INPEX 2015

June 2015

Gold Medal INPEX 2015

In Recognition of Innovative Excellence In the Category of Cleaning Products/Equipment

Selected to Exhibit at D2C 2015

Electronic Retailing Association (ERA)

June 2015

Rugani & Rugani LLC & Flat Screen Clean™

Have been selected to exhibit at D2C 2015 in the New Product Showcase

At the Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) convention.

Held at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas October 6-8, 2015

Finished In The Top 5 For Inventor of the Year

Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) D2C 2015

October 2015

Rugani & Rugani LLC & Flat Screen Clean™

Finished In The Top 5 For Inventor of the Year.

At Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) D2C 2015.

In the New Product Showcase Convention held at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas

#Touchjet #TouchjetWAVE #flatscreencleaner #touchscreencleaner #FlatScreenClean #cleaner #CES2016 #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #CurvedTVs #Wearables #Clean #BestScreenCleaner #AwardWinning #GoldMedal #ScreenCleaner #EnvironmentallyFriendly #TVs #Smartphone #Tablets #Wearables #TheBest #ScreenCleaner #TVCleaner #HowToCleanTV #HowToCleanFlatScreen #HowToCleanFlatScreenTV #FlatScreenTV #Tablet #GiantTablet #Monitor #MultiTouch #Android #Future #CurvedTVCleaner #NonToxic #StreakFree #AllInOne #WAVE #Samsung #INPEX #INPEX15 #INPEX2015 #D2C15  #D2C2015