It might be convenient to believe that you can short-cut your way to the top, but the truth is that if you want to get and stay ahead, you need to put in the work. You need to out-think, out-hustle, out-perform everyone around you. You've got to 'rise and grind' every day.
In the anticipated follow-up to the bestselling The Power of Broke, Daymond takes an up-close look at the hard-charging routines and winning secrets of individuals who have risen to the challenges in their lives and grinded their way to the very tops of their fields. Along the way, he also reveals how grit and persistence both helped him overcome the obstacles he has faced in life, and ultimately fueled his success.
Daymond Rise and Grind Ambassador 16 extremely successful and talented
game changers that Daymond interviewed for Rise and Grind across social
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