Thursday, January 28, 2021

We have some bad news about your electronic devices...


They are disgusting!

Think about how many hours you spend on any device in a given day swiping, tapping, and talking.

Cleaning all your electronic devices is now needed more than ever.

Washing your hands the right way can help keep you and your loved ones from sharing viruses, bacteria, and germs, but what about cleaning your devices?

We wash our hands, but we don’t “wash” our devices.

Then we touch our germy devices with clean hands and contaminate our hands again or worse yet, put our devices up to our faces, which means that any bacteria, viruses, or other germs make their way onto your phone or case and could easily transfer to your skin!

We all know our devices (cell phones, tablets, smart watches, Chromebooks, and any other touch device) are like our third hand.

And if they are our third hand, don’t you think they need to be cleaned too?

It’s like taking a shower and putting back on dirty clothes.

Would you put back on dirty underwear after a shower? I hope not!

There is no denying it. Your electronic devices ARE the dirtiest thing you touch all day.

Think about it.

Where have you put your devices down today: table, chair, bathroom counter, public counters, floor?

Would you eat off the surfaces you put your device on?

And chances are, at some point today you might also be handling someone else’s devices to snap a picture or share something on screen without even realizing where it has been.

Yes, sometimes we see the visible grime on our devices and it is then we want to clean them, but remember all the unseen germs too.

Devices get dirty easily as we have mentioned, but thankfully cleaning them again can be easy too.

However, do you know what to use without damaging those expensive devices?

That is what Flat Screen Clean is for.

A safe and cost efficient way to keep all of your devices clean.

We only use all-natural ingredients.

Did you know that in the United States, a product can only be labeled as a disinfectant or antimicrobial agent after it has been registered as a pesticide with the Environmental Protection Agency?

This is why you will never see essential oils or other natural products with antiseptic properties advertised as antimicrobial because they are not pesticides.

Thank You!

Vincent Rugani

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