Monday, August 17, 2015

Why do I need a Screen Cleaner?

Why do I need a Screen Cleaner?

This why you need Flat Screen Clean™

The World at Your Fingertips

Touch Technology learning at your fingertips.

The World is at Your Fingertips in Education, Work and Play.

This Technology Opens Doors for all.

Touchscreen displays will become a $30B market by 2018.

The touchscreen revolution in display user interfaces has been going strong since Apple introduced the iPhone in 2007.

Today, it shows no sign of stopping, and the market for touchscreen is not slowing down.
Tablets are taking over and now Multi-Touch technology will allow us to work, learn and play together.

That is why you need Flat Screen Clean™

“Flat Screen Clean™ is a non-toxic cleaner that has consumer health in mind.”    

#touchtechnology #MultiTouchtechnology#‎ScreenCleaner #FlatScreens #TouchScreen #Smartphones #Tablets #CurvedTVs #Wearables #EnvironmentallyFriendly #AsSeenOnTV #SamsungTV #NonToxic #AntiStatic #StreakFree #KidSafe #WhyD2C #D2C2015 #DRTV #directresponse #TV #D2C15 #Moxie #inpex2015 #FlatScreenClean #GermFest #BacktoSchool

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